Wednesday, September 26, 2012
So, this game...Amnesia:The Dark Descent.
I'm hearing a lot about it. First off, it is said to be uber scary. I'm certain it is from the looks of it.
But I also hear a lot about the main character, Daniel was it?
Some weird things happening with that guy, just going to put that out there.
Anywho, I hope to play this game soon and update my adventures while doing so.
Hopefully it's worth it.
Well, it will be...the Let's Play I've seen scared me to near death.
Job Hunt
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Job hunting is the worst. First off, it can be humiliating at times. Like walking into a store that you've probably never heard of, then having to ask
a complete stranger if there is a job opening. or a somewhat shy person like me, it can be terrifying. But then there is the sense of false hope.
It's saddening. You get so confident that finally someone is going to hire you...then just like that someone far superior walks in like it's their job.
They get the job right then and there.
It is terribly frustrating. And somewhat unfair.
Goodness what is this no experience nonsense?! I worked five years at this one place and I did every job there. I'm pretty sure that is experience.
Stupid society. Making me go to college so I can get a job. But Society did you think about this? I need a job to go to college. Thank you very much.
Grrrr!!! I just want to go to school!!! But no...I still have to go on this job hunt.